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August 2023 Update

Dear Friend of the Albany Twin,


Thank you for signing up in a show of support for our dear local movie theater. We appreciate the outpouring of ideas and enthusiasm for re-opening the theater and presenting films.


As our group coalesces we want to begin to share periodic updates with you and the

community, to keep you all informed of our plans and progress. This is the first such



Current Status


The first thing we can tell you is a bit of good news: it does not seem at the moment as

though the theater is in immediate danger of being sold or re-developed into another kind of business or housing use, in the way that the California, Oaks and many others have been. We can also tell you that the City of Albany is keenly aware of the value of having the theater reopen and continue to serve the community, and they are open to working with us as we develop our plans to bring the lights back on.


Our Needs and Your Support


Many of you have signed up and let us know about specific skills and experience you have which could help our cause. We’re organizing groups around Communication, Membership, Business and Operations and Fundraising. We will be reaching out to you to find out how you can help us achieve our goals.


In the short term, we will have a table at the Solano Stroll on September 10, right in front of the Twin from 10:00am - 5:00pm, to continue to raise awareness and build membership. We also welcome you to a public meeting at the Albany Library on August 27 from 1:00pm - 2:45pm. We will continue to post flyers to let the community know about the efforts of this group and to build membership and maintain excitement about the future of the theater.


Please visit our website at


As we move forward with our efforts, we will continue to gather information, make contacts and develop proposals for a range of business models that will allow us to re-open the Twin and once again enjoy good storytelling on the big screen with our friends and neighbors.


Until next time, we remain hopeful!


Friends of the Albany Twin Steering Committee


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